The months have past this year and Christmas must be the hardest of all. It's a time of celebration reflection and family closeness that we fail to express as much throughout the year. I feel everyday should be a celebration that God has been so gracious to give us time together. Losing a child anytime is difficult, I know that well. I am thankful we were able to celebrate Christmas with Wylie one last time last year. He was very ill and could not walk and barely could speak a word. He couldn't even make a Santa list that year. But I knew it had to be the best one yet. He was grateful for his Christmas cards and gifts that were sent from near and far. He knew love in his life and couldn't understand why he had to go. He lost all ability to enjoy things he loved but still enjoyed watching others especially his brother. I remember Wylie when he was first diagnosed he wanted to make sure everyone had a special present from him. Wylie was always excited about Christmas. He was never disappointed as far as I know. His last Christmas Seth and I spend several hours in Santa's workshop (aka mom`s barn) making Wylie a special shelve so that he could reach all his toys and collections of the things he loved from his bed. His baseball cards, stuffed animals, and toys, fossils, hats, and photos which still sit there. He was so worried about getting a present for Seth, he wanted it to be special he would say. Wylie spent a lot of time thinking about others and worrying about them. Without my knowledge he asked one of my friends to select and engrave a heart necklace for me from him. With is picture inside. He had great passion and empathy for those that had little. He learned that others also had great love and passion for him that Christmas. The greatest gift was a visit form an Atlanta family from Australia. He cried when they introduced themselves. He always wanted to go. Well this summer Wylie traveled with them to become part of the Great Barrier Reef. Some of his ashes were carried to Australia. Just before Christmas the friends and teachers from his school came and sang him carols. He had several families that came to visit him for Christmas. We celebrated a second Christmas and New Years at Grandma's in Florida, which I knew he was too sick to go. However he knew what I didn`t that it would be his last and insisted on going to see his grandmother Aunt and Uncles. He slept most of the days and couldn't breath without a breathing machine forcing in air. He spent his New Years meeting Winter the dolphin with friends. He watched as he admired there ability to move with such grace and peace. After a day at home watching movies Wylie died at home in his bed 12 days later on January 13th. Wylie's life was celebrated in the most loving way with our community students, family and friends. He was lifted up by a community basketball tournament in feb to start the Wylie Wish Scholarship fund and Wylie's dream fund. Two scholarships were given in his name in May. He was remembered during the relay for life. A grade school garden was created , and a middle school tree planted in his honor in May. Our summer was filled with baseball and then football constantly on the run. How else could we have gotten through this year.
I really didn`t want to be at home for Christmas this year. However my son Seth insisted Santa would not come anywhere but there. I have to make it special for Seth because Wylie would not have had it any other way.
Love,Wylie's mom
"I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, but I will be gone for Christmas this year!" Love Wylie
Wylie's Wish
Wylie Kiser was a fun-loving, 11 year old boy who lived with his Mom and little brother in Ellijay, GA. Wylie loved sports, reading, and adventure. On August 22, 2010 Wylie was diagnosed with a tumor on his brainstem. We would like to ask that everyone who reads this sends up a prayers for this precious little boy. Wylie's wish is for peace for his family and friends. He passed into heaven on January 13th.

Thursday, December 13, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Dreams from heaven
Wylie's little brother Seth age 7, today several hours after waking up, 2 weeks after Wylie's passing, said "Where is Wylie?" I said in shock, loss for words, in tears asked him "What do you mean?" He said "Where is he?" I said as gracefully as I knew, "Do you mean is he in heaven?" He said will conviction " no." I said "Honey Wylie died two weeks ago, you know that, he won't be with us any more." Then he told me " Wylie was in his bed last night, he called me over and asked me to help him. I saw his feet, and felt of them, he was a new born baby lying in his bed, smiling. Then said " well I just thought maybe he got up." Seth saw my reaction and asked me not to cry. Then said well maybe it was a dream, just to calm me down. Funny thing is I was awakened by Wylie calling my name out. What do you believe?
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Wylie will be forever in our hearts

Wylie lost his battle on Friday January 13th. He was my hero and of all who knew him. I loved him as much as a mother could love their child. He had lived his life big and loved the life he lived up uni;l close to the end. He loved his family and friends. He died at home in mom's arms with much comfort. His last day was a peaceful one at home watching movies. He grew tired and weak and said he was ready to pass. We thank everyone for your inspiration and support for our family and especially the love you have all shown Wylie. He loved his teachers and school friends. He wanted to be a an actor, a comic strip writer, a rock star, and a great father one day, and a neurosurgeon to help other children. He was and is my greatest hero and my best friend. God bless you my angel baby. Wylie I know you will rest in heaven with no more pain. It's OK. See you again one day my son. Forever will you be in my heart and soul. We will celebrate Wylie's life on Saturday January 21st.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Haelan 951 is cleansing and healing Wylie's body
We started the Haelen 951(healing)alternative treatment on December 23rd. The soy product seemed from the very start to be cleaning the Toxins out. It seems to make him very tired like he did after his radiation treatments. I believe his brain is beginning to heal. Brain tumor cell death is what we are aiming for so it may make things worse before they get better. I pray his body can handle the jolt and wake up call. If you wish to learn move about how Isoflavoids and phytochemicals work they are the key ingredients. I can not say it has been easy. He hurts and feels sick every day with treatment. He is breathing easier and his blood pressure is going down. It went form 156/110 to 147/97 in one week on his last clinic visit. Thank you everyone that helped with prayers and donations to order the first case of this product. His next MRI is at the end of February. I am excited about the potential for Wylie to heal. He has been through so much these past 14 months. He is tired and the fighting but a reminder or God's grace and love of everyone keeps his going. I load Wylie up with great nutrients every day. He only eats by feeding tube so his diet is very restricted. He currently can not swallow foods or liquids, but seems to be swallowing his own saliva better now. He can not walk and can hardly stand with help. He can only whisper a very slurred speech which gets worse as the day goes on. I believe it is because his body reserves the energy to heal much like a brain trauma patient would. He takes vitamins and herbs like tumeric, flaxseed oil, sea essentials, cell food, astralagus, omega 3, water, and lots and lots of love of course. The body heals above down inside out. He sees an array of alternative specialists on a weekly basis. We were blessed with the use of a friends car for our trip to see Grandma, Aunt, uncle, and friends over the holidays. We were exhausted. Our focus is to make it to my work and school for brother Seth everyday. God bless everyone for making our Christmas one the boys will remember. Seth is still thanking me for the presents he recieved. Wylie cried while opening his presents. Me too. This was a very hard holiday to make it through. We wish everyone a Happy New Year. Thank you everyone for your support and prayers.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas wish
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except a gift wrapping eating cat. The children all nestled in bed with Wylie's feeding tube feeding tube wrapped around his head, and Seth dreaming of catching Santa instead. As I type Wylie's blog I heard such a clatter and what do my blurred red eyes see out on the lawn but eight tiny reindeer with Santa on his sleigh. So I asked Santa did he think I was good this year and he said it was a 50/50 split for sure. So with a lot of effort i could turn my coal in to diamonds he said. Then he suddenly tx'ed his reindeer to dash away dash away all and then he lost his call.
I asked Wylie what his dream Christmas present was and this is what he told me. "I want my tumors to go away." Wylie and his brother will have a great Christmas thanks to many folks that love them very much. Wylie is a loving boy who wants to do what other children are doing. He has been blessed with the greatest school and community ever. He was surprised by a group of his elementary teachers, principals and friends singing Christmas Carols. Wylie is now taking the new nutrient product so many have graciously helped with ordering. We were visited today by Wylie's baseball coach and family, then a family from Australia today. Wylie's number one favorite dream vacation destination. He was so glad for the visit and stories of Australia.
p.s. Thank You Lord for a blessed Christmas that Wylie and Seth could enjoy. Thank you also for the many prayers and help from everyone this year. Happy Birthday Jesus.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
There is no known medical cure for Wylie's condition
I was told total that there is no other medically known treatment for my sons condition which has now progressed to high grade Glioma and spread to other area of the mid brain. Medically they informed me today that they can only now try to keep him comfortable from this point on and will not use chemotherapy any longer. We will try every attempt to strengthen his body to help him fight. Many known natural choices have not been an option while on chemo or radiation. Wylie is fighting for his life. I am fighting for his life and asking that you join in the fight. I wish to try products that are not covered by insurance. We have been doing many different types over the past year trying to heal Wylie. Unfortunately many are used in clinical trials that are not available now because of the treatments he has had. I know of one product available in the U.S. that is could decrease the tumor size. These tumors are multiplying and progressing very rapidly. This product is expensive and would require daily treatments. Wylie's doctor told me today that it would take a miracle for him to survive this tumor progression. She also believes that Prayers are much stronger than any medicine that she could give. Please start your prayer chain keep them going if you want to give Wylie a chance. He is 11 years old. All he wants is a chance to play, ride a bike again, and live. If you have any suggestions, products you wish to donate we can try please e-mail me at Please ask God to help him.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Round One Chemo. Score 1- Wylie 0- Tumor
Round One chemo complete.
December has arrived. November was eventful after the boys and I moving the end of September to our new house to better accomodate Wylie's growing heathcare needs and comfort. Wylie celebrated his 11th birthday on Nov 3rd with a movie then a seafood dinner with a few of his buddies at home. We had our first snowfall of the season already. On the medical side of things we have just completed the first series of chemotherapy treatments. Wylie has been very sick for the past few days. Sort of a normal thing after every other wednesday treatments for the past 2 months. Very confusing as to how much the medicine and how much the tumors are effecting Wylie. He is a strong boy but becoming very frustrated with all the pain,sick feeling, and being unable to care for himself. It is so hard for Mr. independant. He can not play, write even read very well right now. He has been to school a few times this month. He is very smart and usually catches up on those days or with the help of his new homebound teacher Mrs. Roberts. He lost his friend and homebound teacher Mrs. Myra Thomas to metastatic breast cancer recently, she also was his first grade teacher. Wylie can only walk with assistance. Wylie is now wheelchair bound. His last attempt to walk independantly ended with a head injury 2 weeks ago. Getting in and out of the car is his biggest challenge every day having to take his little brother to school and go to work with mom where he has his own room. The therapy has created much more weakness and dizziness than before. We celebrated thanksgiving close to home with lots of turkey and stuffing. He loves his real tree and milticolor christmas lights. He is excited about having a nice Christmas and celebrating it in our new home. Although we only a few nice days out of a week we look forward to the brighter days. Lots of rest and love helps. He is strong and a fighter. Wylie now has a feeding tube because eating has become a chore. Choking not much fun either. Chemo makes all muscles weak even the swollowing muscles. The brainstem where the brain tumor is controls swollowing, breathing, and use of arms and legs. Wylie's brainstem tumor has grown considerably since previous MRI. We pray the chemo and herbal treatments will help slow the progression. His next MRI will be next week. Please pray for a change in this tumor that has devastated Wylie's life. His brother and I want Wylie back to being able to enjoy life with us. He enjoyes movies and playing computer games. Wylie's only wish is to stop hurting. He said he doesn't want anything for Christmas he has everything he needs. But mom knows better! My biggest wish is for my children is to know God, have good health,happiness and to experiece the world first hand. Wylie's top wishes are seeing the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Statue of Liberty, the Rocky mountains, Arizona again. We do have an offer to visit a friend in Colorado in the spring. Maybe we will be well enough to go to New York in the summer. Good health and Merry Christmas to everyone!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
We're Back! Tumors have relapsed!

Fall is near by and it is been a cray summer for our family. August 24,2011, 1 year to the day after Wylie was diagnosed with his 2 tumor areas, he has shown new tumor growth of his primary brainstem tumor. So now were talking CHEMO.
Wylie returned to school part time in August and is now home bound due to his 2 most recent surgeries. There was an attempt to surgically correct his eye position last Tuesday. The steroids made it very difficult for the surgeon. Wylie's double vision is currently worse and as his vision improves this will be worse we are informed. The operation was a success but the patient can't see now! Wylie can see for the most part but 2 of everything. Makes seeing at distance and reading a little challenging. But they say two ice creams are better than one! Wylie began home bound learning today. He is tied out. He also had a port installed in his chest to being a "non-chemo" chemo next week to maybe take down swelling of the tumors and take his off decadron(steroids). He did well with this surgery also, but failed to absorb O2 well enough to come home from day surgery and spent 2 more days in the hospital. He went into surgery with fluid, collapsed lung areas from the steroids and inactivity, therefore the surgery caused some complications with weaning off oxygen. We what did we do to help...We pushed the edge and went to see his favorite baseball team the Atlanta Braves! Wylie was given box tickets a few months ago so we had to go. We didn't get the memo for the time change and showed up just in time for the final pitch and saw Styx in concert. We were given rain check tickets for Sunday's game and Wylie was able to see the game with his buddies Mason,Mariano,and brother Seth. We had fun. But all good things have a price. Wylie has difficulty keeping his balance and falls nearly every day. Getting in and out of bed and car is a challenge. Finding it more difficult with time. Very weak on his left and unable to use his right hand. His legs can barley life his body up to the car seat. He still can fall out well though! He can't climb steps very well and this has been my main concern with returning to school. One week ago he lost feeling in his right arm. His voice is weak and swolling a bigger challenge in the last month. We were able to attend a lighthouse retreat for families of children with cancer. We had great volunteer family partners nurture us with God's love. We met lifelong friends and found comfort in there equally challenging lives. There was just an understanding there like no other. God is with us through all of this. He loves us and will be no matter what. Wylie felt for the first time these people real get it! What he can't do and what he can. He often tells me I don't understand because I push him and expect more out of him than ever. Well, I am a mom! I will also expect that of him. no matter how weak I will always encourage and push for him to want more Wylie I am so proud of you! Wylie will be starting chemotherapy beginning next week along with the anti-swelling chemo drug. We will keep you posted. Thanks for your support.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Summer news

Wylie is holding strong, the heat is not his friend. After another ER trip for dehydration. Our latest treatment seems to be dong well to maintain the symptoms from the brain tumors. He has over come the vertigo he was having for the most part. We have increased the steroids a few weeks ago and he is feeling better. He has now developed a complication with the lungs. They are collecting fluid and collapsing some of the in the lower regions of the lungs. We are sure a complication of the steroids and decreased activity. Wylie has not regained his strength in his arm and hand as we have before when the steroids have been increased. We are hoping for physical therapy to help, which we will begin next week. We currently are having to travel to his appointments an hour 1/2 away weekly to Emory. We are very excited about his appointment next with an opthalmologist that specializes in BrainStem tumor related visual problems. We want to see if his left eye that turns in can be corrected with surgery. His eye sight is changing and he is having difficulty seeing to read and blurred at distance. We will have another MRI in August to determine if there are any new changes. We are preparing for re-entry to school for Wylie. The
5th grade. So let the middle school years begin. He is nervous already. He is a great student and will try to go full time in August. We have been working on getting Wylie a wheelchair and a foot support for his foot drop, politics and crazy insurance take forever to get approved. please help us pray they will be available to him soon. Wylie can not walk long distances. Car to the door is about it. SO much atrophy in his right leg, knee pain and back pain makes walking across the parking lot a big deal. We have attempted swimming a few times this summer. Balance and control is really tough in the water for him. This summer we were able to take one trip to visit friends,grandma pat,Aunt Jenny and Uncle Duncan over the July 4th holiday in south Florida. The heat is just too much for him. Steroids make you swell even worse in the heat. We are trying very hard to find peace with all the changes in our lives and surround ourselves with loving friends and family when we are able. God heals. Wylie prays for a day without pain. CHiropractic, therapy and Meds help. Thank you for all your support. Things are very challegning for us right now.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Summer is here.
Soon we will be celebrating one very very long year of survival for Wylie. He is holding his own lets just say. Schools out. Although he will miss his home bound teacher Mrs. Myra he is relieved to have completed the fourth grade. Excelling on CRCT testing and with honor roll average on completed work. His doctors say nothing changes the smarts in a kid. "If they are smart they are smart." He is struggling with changes in medication. Less steroids means more fatigue, attitude, and atropy in the right side, and loss of balance, control of tounge, and throat. The MRI on June 1st showed growth for the first time of the primary tumor in a year. Secondary/posterior tumor is very active. THis was the domant one. We sure made is mad. Could be radiation effects or simply the process of dying tumor cells, we don't know. Meeting in two weeks to discuss changes after medical guru's meet next week to evaluate the changes.The form a game plan. Dr. Janss know's her stuff we have a new MRI test that measures proliferation of the tumors. We may have to wait until August to compare the changes to really compare. Wylie playslike a 10 year old when he can. Enjoying the cool pool and air condition in between. The heat staying at around a 100 or more is especially rough on him. Any swelling is more than he can handle. He finished his baseball season as part time coach. He enjoyed the involvement. I can honestly say when was playing it came so natural to him. I pray he will be given another chance to enjoy the things he loves most. Not much planned for the summer yet. Can't hide from the heat. Would love to see our new York relatives. Thank you so much for your support. We cry we laugh we get up everyday to fight for another day. We are warriors!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
God will save me!

"God will save me, that is a fact and don't forget it, Love, your little warrior."
When I placed on my computer "Save my son" Wylie then place his own note with his own idea of how it's going to be. He says he just knows. God talks with him and tells him how it's going to be. Wylie is a 8 month survivor from his initial diagnosis, and nine months since initial symptoms appeared. Not sure how, but he just knows things that others don't seem to be aware of. I believe he is a chosen one, and angel for sure. He is charismatic in his own special way. He loves his family and especially feels it is his place to care for his little brother Seth. Wylie seems to radiate in energy and move us in his stories. He is passionate about life and what it he had to offer in it. He want to help others and is considering being a neurosurgeon,or scientist. He was recently befriended by a University of Florida archaeologist Alex Kittle who gave his some of his dig finds and invited him to the University to see what they have dug up. Wylie was recently blessed with a Make A Wish trip on the Disney Magic cruise. He was in dream land for sure. He met pirates,snorkeled seeing Nemo & Dora, giant sting ray's and giant sea turtles. He Sailed with all the Disney characters to the Virgin Islands. He had a spectacular time with his family. He was very tired and weak after this trip and had a few falls. For Wylie Any falls in which he hits his head spirals into a downward pain cycle. He is recovering well and feels great today. Dodging a few very scary tornado's made for an interesting. We are so sad for the victims of the Tornado of April 27th in Tuscaloosa Alabama and those here in Georgia. Wylie's dad's town of Piedmont Alabama was hard hit. Wylie is back and just finished his CRCT testing time. He has been doing homebound schooling. He said it was a breeze. We are down to the final school 20 day's of school count down. Maybe he will be feeling good enough to finish the last month at school. We are waiting for the next MRI and pray for tumor shrinkage June 1st. We are still using natural herbs/vitamins, and interesting blue green algae shakes that start Wylie's day. We have added Papaya enzymes to attack his brain stem tumors. The secondary tumor seems to have calmed down and hopefully shrunk. No headaches and no vertigo for the past few weeks. Its time to decrease nasty steroids and heal. His doctor thinks he is doing great. Weak from fatigue. Wylie was asked to help play and coach on his baseball team from last year. He says he is ready for action in tonights game. Enjoy the pictures! Please share your comments so that Wylie can see that there are people out that that feel what he is going through and can share in his excitement. God bless all of you for your help and support to make Wylie's life special. His goal is to get to the great barrier reef. We just have to figure out where exactly that is!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Spring is in the air. Wylie's progress is good.

Wylie has climbed many mountains since last posting. He is holding up well. A little tired and cranky these days. He is practicing baseball to a limited level. Helping coach his team when he is down. Ball season starts next week. Wish him luck. His most recent MRI in the first of March revealed a shrinkage of his primary pontine tumor of 3%. The secondary medullary tumor has increased in size. This tumor extends down into the upper spine. Oncologist Dr.Janss beleives this could be a reaction to radation treatment. Symptoms became worsened 1 month ago when his ability to speak and swollow and function. Wylie is now in a higher dose of steroids to decrease the swelling in his brain. It worked great, he has now inproved and is now back doing school work as a homebound student. Thanks to Aunt Tammi we were treated to a fun filled weekend in Chattanooga. Wylie enjoyed the trip touring the Tennessee River on the old Southern Belle paddleboat ship. A great way to start our spring break. Wylie celebrated this month with family and friends as Allyson from The Make a Wish Foundation informed Wylie that he was granted a Disney carribian cruise. We are so excited! As winter comes to a close our spring has started with a bang. Tornado's hitting Ellijay this week left us in the dark ages with carrying water and primitive cooking. For a family that loves to camp it works for us. Our spring break goal was to walk as much of the appalacian trail as possible. We evaluated our options and chose camping near the trail at Vogel state camp ground in the north Georiga area. Wylie made it to the trail, YES! We managed a steap 3 mile hike. Wylie was as proud as we were of him. The storm came four hours later. THa goodness we took advice to pack up camp after only 1 night and head home. The storm resulted in damaging tornado and 70 mile/hr winds in our home town. We will be excited to leave the 35 degree temperatures to discover whatever the Carribian has to offer. We will post again to up date after Wylie's wish trip.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
It's been a long cold snowy January. Wylie has his ups and downs for certain. The rocky road of tumors. He has nausea and occasionally beyond. Doing relatively well for the course. Wylie has been in school on and off. We have played in the snow and hiked on teh pretty days. He has as much fun as a 10 year old can in between. He is enjoying his new puppy dog, a 3 month old Storm Chaser an English Bulldog, with a black eye. That was one of his wishes if he could wish for anything. However his and own wish is for at at this point a short haired medium height dog that Wylie can use to support him when he walks, possible with some special needs training. He thinks he would like something like a black lab if anyone knows of a mature,fixed, house broken, calm devoted dog that would make a great that needs a great kid. Wylie's clinic visits every other week are looking good according to oncologist Dr. Ana Janss. Feb was off to a great start with Wylie being so much more interested in his friends and hobbies. Enjoying playing with his brother and sister and taking care of their Christmas horse Caraway. Taking more interest in sports and even participated in a little baseball practice with the family this past weekend. Wishing he could play this year. Maybe he can join in just a little. Risks of injury were too well known today when he fell at school and hit his head on a stall door while mom was working out of town. The nurse said The pain was intense, began having shocks in his neck and spine and began having blurred problems. To get to the good news the CT revealed no bleeding, but created a quite an ordeal for all of us. Co-mom Sherri took him to his pediatrician Dr. Todd and when she examined him and referred him to have the C.T. scan. Thank God he is home resting this eve. He asked today "if I was in in heaven would I hurt like this?" We certainly don't want him to find out, and he was assured that he was not going anywhere. Heart breaking question to say the lease. The most stressed day in a while. We know he is strong and will stand tall through this. God has a great plan for a fantastic boy. Thank you for all your support.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
A happy New Year for Wylie is what we wish!

Certainly it's a happy New year for us. Santa Clause, all God's angels and helpers were sure good to Wylie and his family. Santa managed to adopt a horse for us and we were all very excited. Santa's visit to the house was sure a surprise along with three of Wylie's teachers Mrs. Mandy, Nancy and Melody. Wylie was on the nice list for sure. Seth his brother was sitting on the undecided list, Just kidding! He sure gave Santa a once over with questions about the reindeer and how the fireplace works for him to climb down it. Wylie joined "rock band" along with his brother and sister thanks to Santa! Thank you to everyone that made this Christmas! Just ask Wylie, he said it was "the best Christmas ever." Wylie's oncologist Dr. Ana Janss and his Nurses at children's are taking care of him well. Holding strong, tests are good. Next MRI is planned in March. we will be looking for shrinkage or dying of the tumors or seeing if there is any new growth. We have had a rough year and pray for a better healthier year for Wylie. Wylie received yet another surprise from his Texas angel's, a signed Alabama Player Jersey #22 Mark Ingram, he cried I think, he was so excited. He has been doing great for the past few weeks. Having traveled to see friends and family in Florida to celebrate the new year he did extremely well, he was able to spend time with his Aunt Jenny whom is just beginning to walk after a near fatal auto accident in May in which he lost his cousin Jarret. He was also able to visit friends Dr. Ann and family friend Lisa with her family to bring in the new Year. Spending New Years day with his Grandmother and Uncle Duncan who felt blessed he was able to be there. Weather was refreshing in Florida. Wylie had some usual symptoms of nausea and headaches. Back in Ellijay Wylie Started the new year off well with his first day back to a full day at school since early November. Great success! Wylie has caught up his work and really enjoyed a normal day. What's normal you ask? Glad to have a few days of cleaning his room, feeling like messing it up, showering without help, or getting dressed. We don't take simple life for granted. I doubt Wylie will ever feel that way again. He is excited about life again. Wylie loves to read and is starting a new book "Make Miracles in forty Days." Wylie would be the first to tell you think positive, attitude is everything. He says his prayers everyday and he misses his friends and hopes his next doctor visit will be a positive one next week. All the snow is gone. No more sleigh riding until next time. Happy New year to everyone!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A Merry Christmas it is!

It was 12 days before Christmas and all through the house every creature was stirring even the mouse. We would all like to be snuggled in our bed for it is down right freezing toes in the south right now. Wylie with his rose color cheeks and snow cap with long flap ear muffs and Seth with his curious nature. Riki with her ear phones and Sherri on the cell phone, Jill going crazy trying to spot Santa and his sleigh......
Well anyhow. We are all excited about the holidays and trying to keep the spirits up. We have been blessed this year and we plan to make the best of our time with Wylie feeling better. Trying to decrease steroids and other meds that go along with it due to the side effects. We have a few pictures of our recent trip with Wylie to the Grand canon. The first picture is our family. Jill,Riki,Wylie,Seth&Sherri
Here is also a picture of Wylie standing in front of his dream the Grand Canyon. We also attended the 25th annual Brain Tumor Foundation Christmas Party this weekend, the boys has a visit with Santa Claus, and a few Shriner clowns. The event was very special for all the children and their family's.
Well it turns out Wylie has a set of angels in Texas. They have deemed themselves "Wylie's Texas Angels." Hearing about Wylie through a former neighbor Dr. Heather and Edward Casey they have been trying to make Wylie's dreams come true and our life sweet with the smiles it brings Wylie. We were sent a very inspiring letter, autograph helmet and shirt's from Matt Ryan of the Falcons. They gifted us let's say in a way we could not have done otherwise to make this Christmas very special. The picture is of our Angels in Texas. Thank you Wylie's Texas Angels.
Thank to all our angels around the world. Thank God for all of you. Have a blessed holiday. We will keep you posted on Santa's arrival. Hope we all have been good.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A season for giving thanks
It has been one month since my last post.Wylie celebrated his 10th birthday. We planned a birthday ballgame. We had the most wonderful turnout and support from his friends at his school. Mrs. Many and Mrs. Melody, and his coaches Daren and Huston were great. Wylie was so shocked and surprised he couldn't get out of the car for a while. He was amazed how much love was there. Our friend Silvija Withrow made the most amazing cake. Wylie Braves against the Loser Marlins. A game for history indeed. He laughed and danced when he got home, he was so happy. He no doubt had the best birthday ever. We want to thank everyone for their support. We have been blessed with prayers from all over the world. Our community support has been amazing. We have many things to be thankful this year, the health of our son is all that we ask this Holiday.
Our Thanksgiving was one to be remembered, everyone in this community and around the us made sure of it. We took Mr. Wylie to the Grand Canyon. Maybe without medical support on the decision but we couldn't refuse his desire. We saw the biggest hole in the world. We saw some of the most beautiful sights in the us. Wylie smiled and played a little in the snow, visited the only dry cavern in the us, went to Route 66 and watched tumble weeds roll down the road. Watched a Antelope race in a nearby field, and saw Sherri almost get trampled by a Bull Elk trying to get a picture. Seth and Wylie tried to see how far he could throw a snowball off into the grand canyon, Riki smiled and was amazed like all of us. They even threw a few snow balls at us. Thank you everyone so very much, we could never had done this without your help. We are all so thankful. We are also thankful we have a roof over our head, food to eat every day,our friends and family. Wylie has taught us so much these past few months. Hard to believe it has only been only a little over 3 months since his diagnosis. Wylie loves life and wishes most for Christmas a normal life again. Physically he is struggling with great deal of pain, constant headaches and electric shocks throughout his body with physical effort. He has been sleeping for the past week and a half. Unsure what to think of his change we have recently consulted his doctors. they claim he is responding great to the radiation. "It is doing what is expected", they say! Destroying brain cells, the mass of cells dying is causing his body to be very toxic. He is still receiving natural healing methods to build his body. Natural herbs like Boswellia, & enzymes. Shakes & smoothies, and chiropractic daily to control his pain, and boost his immune system and energy level. Sleep is when we heal the fastest. I guess a perfect time for teeth to fall out and new ones to grow. The down side of a lost of vitamins. He is probably healthier than most of us in every other aspect. Wylie is strong and missed his friends and Mtn view so very much. Wants to go back soon but said he needs to be able to stay awake to get anything done at school. We hope he will be able to return soon. Last MRI showed some tumor shape change and calcification of areas around the tumors. The doctor's claim it is the cells bleeding in the brain and that's "normal". Sorry if i don't buy it. Lets just say for the strong to survive the weak must die, and radiation will take no prisoners. Remember Wylie is strong he had the best naturopath, counselor, teachers, nurses, chiropractor, siblings, and mom's in Gilmer county to make sure of it. thanks for reading. Merry Chirstmas!
Our Thanksgiving was one to be remembered, everyone in this community and around the us made sure of it. We took Mr. Wylie to the Grand Canyon. Maybe without medical support on the decision but we couldn't refuse his desire. We saw the biggest hole in the world. We saw some of the most beautiful sights in the us. Wylie smiled and played a little in the snow, visited the only dry cavern in the us, went to Route 66 and watched tumble weeds roll down the road. Watched a Antelope race in a nearby field, and saw Sherri almost get trampled by a Bull Elk trying to get a picture. Seth and Wylie tried to see how far he could throw a snowball off into the grand canyon, Riki smiled and was amazed like all of us. They even threw a few snow balls at us. Thank you everyone so very much, we could never had done this without your help. We are all so thankful. We are also thankful we have a roof over our head, food to eat every day,our friends and family. Wylie has taught us so much these past few months. Hard to believe it has only been only a little over 3 months since his diagnosis. Wylie loves life and wishes most for Christmas a normal life again. Physically he is struggling with great deal of pain, constant headaches and electric shocks throughout his body with physical effort. He has been sleeping for the past week and a half. Unsure what to think of his change we have recently consulted his doctors. they claim he is responding great to the radiation. "It is doing what is expected", they say! Destroying brain cells, the mass of cells dying is causing his body to be very toxic. He is still receiving natural healing methods to build his body. Natural herbs like Boswellia, & enzymes. Shakes & smoothies, and chiropractic daily to control his pain, and boost his immune system and energy level. Sleep is when we heal the fastest. I guess a perfect time for teeth to fall out and new ones to grow. The down side of a lost of vitamins. He is probably healthier than most of us in every other aspect. Wylie is strong and missed his friends and Mtn view so very much. Wants to go back soon but said he needs to be able to stay awake to get anything done at school. We hope he will be able to return soon. Last MRI showed some tumor shape change and calcification of areas around the tumors. The doctor's claim it is the cells bleeding in the brain and that's "normal". Sorry if i don't buy it. Lets just say for the strong to survive the weak must die, and radiation will take no prisoners. Remember Wylie is strong he had the best naturopath, counselor, teachers, nurses, chiropractor, siblings, and mom's in Gilmer county to make sure of it. thanks for reading. Merry Chirstmas!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The gift that keeps on giving "Radiation"

That's what the oncologist say's. We finished 30 treatments of raidation on October 26th. He had his first full week of school last week since last school year. He loves school and tries so hard to keep up unfortunately at his own physical loss. He has been told he needs to decrease his school day in half. The radiation continues to kick butt and causes swelling in the brain and fatigue. Wylie celebrated his big 10 this past week. W had approximately 40 people show for Wylie's Braves game vs the Marlins. We created his own team and celebrated in a very big way at the Ball park in Ellijay. We also were able to see the Georgia game in person on Saturday. Wylie loves most sports and had a great day. We continue to treat him naturally with Boswellia and digestive enzymes. Boswellia is really making an impact and I beleive helping to heal him. Everything I read about it is showing in trials to destoy tumors of all kinds. Wylie has been keeping busy with school and friends. Thank you to his teachers, other students and friends for being a part of his birthday and community events. the golf tournement and motorcycle fundraisers have made our life easier. The school also sold over 600 cupcakes to help our family. thank you so much for all your support. Not sure how we would do it without everyones help. Wylie has faith that his purpose will be served. God bless.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wylie is almost finished with radiation. 2 more treatments next week. i don't believe the doctors expected him to be doing so well during this period. i have to believe God and his great wisdom steered us in the right direction for his natural healing methods as well. Clinical trials are being done with fantastic results with the herb Boswellia and digestive enzymes are the key to attacking brain tumors. We are doing this on our own with the radiation. It gives the radiation a better chance at getting to the tumors. We have to tell his body these tumors are not normal proteins coatings. That is why they don't attack them normally. I think they are listening. We had exciting news last week when Dr. Shu showed us the ventricles were opening up in his brain, the radiation may have shrink the tumors, a little on the new growth. They expected more swelling over this period. But his got better! Over the past 2 weeks the strength has come back in his right hand. He can walk better also. Not much change in his vision as of yet. We will take anything we can get at this point. We will do another MRI DEC 1st to see if we have tumor decrease or re-growth. We could have a honeymoon for 6 month, that period is key. Most aggressive tumors take off after that period. It will be a wait and see period. I believe God has a special purpose for Wylie and his destiny is far from over.We pray everyday for our son and his health and healing. A miricle did occur we think. Wylie felt a shift in his body suddenly a few weeks ago. He thought he was dying, shocking pain came from his body and horrible headaches, he said God ws asking his to solve math problems and God wanted to know exactly where the tumors were. He started to improve the next day as we held our breath. He is an awesome child with so much love for everyone. We had a great visit from his aunt Jenny(who is just learning to walk after a severe auto trauma), Grandma pat, uncle Jim, and Cousin Walker from Florida. We also had Great Aunt Wendy from New York, and Cousins Mike and Terri from Marietta this past weekend. They came to attend the motorcycle ride for Wylie and visit.
The motorcycle event was fun,we had a great time with three bands and food. Wylie enjoyed his day so much. Thanks to the help of so many people it was a great success. Bridgett Parrot was the organizer. Thank you to everyone who sponsored and participated. Thank you to his school teachers for their help.
Wylie is doing well in school. He has good and bad days. He complains of headaches and some nausea on and off. He is having a little hearing problems (he always has suffered from selective hearing). Radiation can cause a variety of symptoms. He has a roaring in his ear. Overall he tolerates it all like a champ. Being tired out is his complaint. We all have forgotten what sleep is. After Wed of next week we hope to say goodbye to the 430 wake up call. Alarm will be thrown out the window.
The motorcycle event was fun,we had a great time with three bands and food. Wylie enjoyed his day so much. Thanks to the help of so many people it was a great success. Bridgett Parrot was the organizer. Thank you to everyone who sponsored and participated. Thank you to his school teachers for their help.
Wylie is doing well in school. He has good and bad days. He complains of headaches and some nausea on and off. He is having a little hearing problems (he always has suffered from selective hearing). Radiation can cause a variety of symptoms. He has a roaring in his ear. Overall he tolerates it all like a champ. Being tired out is his complaint. We all have forgotten what sleep is. After Wed of next week we hope to say goodbye to the 430 wake up call. Alarm will be thrown out the window.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Inspired by Camp Sunshine
Wylie is truly amazed how friendly the staff and volunteers were at camp sunshine. He said today "The people at camp sunshine all, from the first moment we got there, acted like they knew us forever." They were great. A camp for kids like wylie and their familes. Wylie climbed 1/2 way up a 20' climbing wall. He was tired, he cried and got mad, but amazed us all. He is so determined to get his life back. He is tolerating the radiation so well. Goes to school most days and therapy a few days a week. Almost done we tell each other everyday. The trips to Atlanta seem shorter everyday. We see light at the end. Improving everyday. God Bless you all.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I want to give a special thanks to Anna Jenkins a great local massage healing friend who created this unique way for all to give special thoughts and prayers to Wylie and our family. She worked very hard to make life breathable for us when it was so painful to make it through the day. She also originally planned a special Golf event, which is now being handled by Mitchell Bowen & Pat, which will be at the 23rd of October to benefit Wylie's wishes and needs. He plans to hike the Grand Canyon and hoping to get to the great Continental Divide. He would like to visit Paris. He says he plans on Living in Paris one day.
There are so many other folks that have done so very much to help our family and the prayers that continue to reach world wide. Thank you to Dr. Bonnie Bradley that helped us discover Wylie's condition. Prayers go from Germany, Canada, Croatia, new york, California, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, New Mexico and especially our strong willed, God Loving friends in Ellijay, Georiga. When we call the Lord's name he listens. Wylie will survive this to fight another battle. We never know our time on Earth, but I do believe Wylie has a mission and it won't be just 9 years. He is very special not only to me and our family but to many many others. He has a special way a loving giving way, maybe ahead of his years in his thoughts and aspirations. He shows me everyday things that amaze me. he was able to today begin opening and closing his hand, this is a great change in his healing, he is walking great, talking, swallowing, healing in leaps and bounds. We had a setback one day since we started on Tuesday, claimed he was having electric shocks in his body, loss of balance, and severe pain in the back of his head. However he is gaining weight when they say he should be losing, really they say he wouldn't get any response at this point with radiation. I believe the natural treatment is making a huge impact on his healing. Thank you Jennifer. Doctor's say that maybe radiation caused swelling and his pain that day. I think it was the power of his body turning on. He will show the world that our body heals above down and inside out. When we have what we need we can heal. We are doing great after 17 rounds of radiation. 13 to go. He loves being with his friends at school. Just said he needs some breathing room. Wylie is very positive and reminds me everyday how important it is love your family and embrace each day like it may be your last. Go hug your family. Thanks for the prayers. Jill
There are so many other folks that have done so very much to help our family and the prayers that continue to reach world wide. Thank you to Dr. Bonnie Bradley that helped us discover Wylie's condition. Prayers go from Germany, Canada, Croatia, new york, California, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, New Mexico and especially our strong willed, God Loving friends in Ellijay, Georiga. When we call the Lord's name he listens. Wylie will survive this to fight another battle. We never know our time on Earth, but I do believe Wylie has a mission and it won't be just 9 years. He is very special not only to me and our family but to many many others. He has a special way a loving giving way, maybe ahead of his years in his thoughts and aspirations. He shows me everyday things that amaze me. he was able to today begin opening and closing his hand, this is a great change in his healing, he is walking great, talking, swallowing, healing in leaps and bounds. We had a setback one day since we started on Tuesday, claimed he was having electric shocks in his body, loss of balance, and severe pain in the back of his head. However he is gaining weight when they say he should be losing, really they say he wouldn't get any response at this point with radiation. I believe the natural treatment is making a huge impact on his healing. Thank you Jennifer. Doctor's say that maybe radiation caused swelling and his pain that day. I think it was the power of his body turning on. He will show the world that our body heals above down and inside out. When we have what we need we can heal. We are doing great after 17 rounds of radiation. 13 to go. He loves being with his friends at school. Just said he needs some breathing room. Wylie is very positive and reminds me everyday how important it is love your family and embrace each day like it may be your last. Go hug your family. Thanks for the prayers. Jill
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Wylie's wish: Braves Practice & Game

Wylie went to batting practice on wednesday with his family. Thanks to his coaches and their families. The Allen's, Betsy Clayton and many others that are un-named. We know you love us and have made one of Wylie's wishes come true. Enjoy the pictures. We had a great times and stood beside the best of the best ball players. We all have the time of our life. Thank you.
13 radiation treatments down, 17 to go. MRI on wed to see progress. Still on natural diet made up of love, vitamins, sunshine. Thanks for all your support.
Monday, September 27, 2010
wylie's wish today is to be able to run again
I have received 9 radiation treatments so far. I am on a cool diet set up by mom and mom's friend Jennifer Houle a local naturopathic doctor. I take 7 different medicines 2 times a day and 8 different herbs or vitamins a day. I eat as fresh of everything possible. My least fav medicine is liquid potassium, "Nasty" .The doctors told me I had to have this. YUK! I promise mom everything under the sun if I can just not take it. They say I am very healthy and doing good except the potassium beign low caused by the other medicines. I eat Fruit and veggie smoothies for dinner these days. The main thing we are doing is taking an herb called Boswellia and ginko,and a protein attacker to help the radiation attack the tumor like pacman. Boswellia can get rid of tumors even in Women with breast cancer tumors. Mom dreamed about gum healing me, and I thought very cool. Any reason to chew gum is a good one. Boswellia comes from a gum tree, Good dream mom! I went to a kangaroo farm last weekend but they would not let me take my baby kangaroo home. Maybe I will sneak in one night and get it. They will never know, they have hundreds. Who knew this was in Ellijay. I hear a class trip calling our name. Thank you everyone for helping my family make some of my wishes come true.
We believe God will help heal me, we just have to get the right stuff in me that my body needs. Thanks for all the wishes and help.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wylie is doing great
Monday, September 13, 2010
Radiation Scheduled
Wylie is still in good spirits! His picture was in last week's paper with baseball player Dustin Carder, who plays for the Baltimore Orioles. He begins a 6 week course of radiation starting on Wednesday to try to shrink the tumors. The tumors have been catagorized as Astrocytomas. He is eating through a nose tube at this time because he is unable to swallow. Hopefully with radiation, this will all get better. We are hopeing and praying for the best possible for this sweet boy. Continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wylie's new healing room
Wylie is spending his day's with mom the office. He has a lavender healing room of his own. A massage table, a tv & vcr, he rests when he needs, plays and creates. Thanks to some very special friends he now has a laptop to view his blog and facebook friends and their comments. He is so thankful to his loving support from his school, friends and the ETC employees. On a sad note he began having loss of feeling from his chest down yesterday, toes especially were painful. He has humor and determination, and faith. Thank you to all that send him wishes and keep him in their prayers. Faith can Heal. Choosing the person or the direction the healing will come from is the toughest part. Love to all. Wylie's mom Jill
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Nutrition & Detoxification
Wylie is now on a natural nutritional and detoxification program. Wylie was a bit nervous about starting this since one of the stipulations was "no sugar". But, so far so good. Wylie has been enjoying fruit & vegetable smoothies, freshly made juices, as well as lots of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Here's to getting healthy!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Physical Therapy
Wylie was evaluated by the physical therapist today. He is going to have to do some homework as well as do his workouts with the therapists. Wylie also was given the green light to start getting massage for his stiff neck. He has been begging his mom to give him an adjustment but it is too soon for that. Hopefully the massage will give him some relief.
Still no word on the pathology reports. Wylie's doctors are doing everything they can to get the results in. Let's all just hope that no news is good news.
Still no word on the pathology reports. Wylie's doctors are doing everything they can to get the results in. Let's all just hope that no news is good news.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Wylie at Home
Wylie was released from the hospital last night. He is beginning the process of recovering from his biopsy procedure. There is still no word from the doctors regarding the pathology report.
Wylie is happy to be home but gets tired very quickly. He hopes he will feel up to going to get his picture taken at school tomorrow, it's picture day after all. Wylie might just find the energy after his mother makes him a power smoothie for breakfast!
Wylie is happy to be home but gets tired very quickly. He hopes he will feel up to going to get his picture taken at school tomorrow, it's picture day after all. Wylie might just find the energy after his mother makes him a power smoothie for breakfast!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Biopsy Results
The Doctors at Egleston have determined that both tumors are Gliomas, as far as what type it is still unknown. They should hopefully have results on that in the next little while. Treatment options for this is still unknown as well. Wylie should be home in the next few days in order to heal from his biopsy surgery. He will need a minimum of 4 weeks to recover before they start any treatment. On a lighter note, Wylie was up and walking around today with help. He was able to stand for a little while to play Connect Four with one of the Nurses. You know he won!
A little later Wylie was able to go outside for a while. Fresh Air is a must... and the first stop... The Wishing Well
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friends Visit Wylie
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day 7
Last night, Wylie was finaly able to get some rest. This morning, he is doing much better & now able to pull himself up. Neck is still sore but doing well. Right arm is doing better & both eye's are doing better. He made the Dr. smile. We have started giving him vitamins which will help a whole lot. Wylie still needs lot's of healing prayers. He has a long road ahead of him but with the love everyone has & the prayers, we have faith that everything will be just fine. Thanks to everyone.
Little Wylie continues to exhibit courage throughout this difficult time. This brave boy is contending with neck pain resulting from the biopsy procedure he had on Wednesday. When asked if he wants pain medication, Wylie says, "No, can you give me something to sleep so I can get better." He knows, even at this young age, that you heal when you rest and he is working hard at healing.
His little brother Seth held Wylie's hand tonight. Wylie could see that his little brother was somewhat apprehensive about the situation and Wylie tried to comfort him by squeezing his hand and telling him it was alright. Wylie's courage to comfort others continues to demonstrate his good character and sweet nature.
Looking forward to tomorrow with hope and the possibility of moving out of the ICU.
His little brother Seth held Wylie's hand tonight. Wylie could see that his little brother was somewhat apprehensive about the situation and Wylie tried to comfort him by squeezing his hand and telling him it was alright. Wylie's courage to comfort others continues to demonstrate his good character and sweet nature.
Looking forward to tomorrow with hope and the possibility of moving out of the ICU.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wylie's biopsy results due in Monday
The results of Wylie's biopsy have been sent off to be analyzed. The results will be in sometime Monday afternoon. We will keep you posted. In the mean time, Wylie needs your prayers right now.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Our sweet boy resting, 8-26-10
Wylie is doing lots of resting right now. He's doing great & wants to go home. Having another MRI today so they can check things after the biopsy. This is standard procedure. His neck is VERY sore but he is able to move it. We will be working with him for days, to get him back up & playing baseball real soon. Wylie is a very tough little man & is loving having his family right by his side.
MRI Scheduled
An MRI is scheduled today to check for swelling and fluid. Wylie is hoping for good news. He is holding his family close and is staying tough.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Almost ready for his close-up
Wylie was relieved to discover that the doctors did not have to shave his head. Aside from some facial swelling, Wylie is looking good. He is a real trooper, even through all the pain. The doctors have given him something to make him comfortable until morning. By then, we hope he will be ready for his close-up. Until then, we will have to settle for this picture.
Wylie is in the Recovery Room
Wylie is currently in the Recovery Room and still groggy from the surgery. The doctor was able to obtain samples of the two different tumors in Wylie's brainstem. He was also able to debulk one of the tumors by removing approximately 30% of the mass. This is believed to be the tumor that is causing Wylie's symptoms. Wylie and his family are hoping for a good report from pathology by Monday. Please keep him in your prayers.
Wylie has come out of his 5.5 hour surgery just fine. The surgeons were able to remove 30% of the 2nd tumor. Biology results will be back on monday to determine exactly what it is. He is heading into recovery right now, and should be awake soon.
5.5 Hour Biopsy Procedure
Wylie has begun his 5.5 hour surgery to obtain a biopsy. He has asked for everyone to pray and be hopeful. Wylie will spend the night in the ICU tonight and will hopefully be returning to his regular room by tomorrow.
Biopsy Scheduled
Brave little Wylie is scheduled for a biopsy this morning at 11:00. He has been catching up on his Facebook this morning and he asks that everyone send him Petville gifts on his Facebook. Thanks for your prayers and keep Wylie in thoughts today.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Fund For The Family
A Trust fund has been set up for Wylie and his family at Community and Southern bank (The old Gilmer County Bank/Appalachian Community). You may go to any Community and Southern bank to make a donation to Wylie Kiser or Jill Darling. I will post a link soon so you may make your donation online. Thank you everyone for your support, and we will be posting updates as soon as we hear anything.
Ellijay - Main Office
P.O. Box G
829 Industrial Boulevard
Ellijay, GA 30540
Phone: 706-276-8000
Fax: 706-276-8010
Anytime Access: 706-636-2265 (BANK)
Community Room: 706-276-8059
Ellijay - Main Office
P.O. Box G
829 Industrial Boulevard
Ellijay, GA 30540
Phone: 706-276-8000
Fax: 706-276-8010
Anytime Access: 706-636-2265 (BANK)
Community Room: 706-276-8059
About Wylie
Wylie Kiser is a fun-loving, 9 year old boy who lives with his family in Ellijay, GA. His birthday is 11/3/2000. Wylie loves to play baseball and enjoys boyscouts and the outdoors. On Sunday evening Wylie and his family were informed that he had a tumor on his brainstem. There are few treatment options for Wylie at this point and we would like to ask that everyone who reads this sends up a prayer for this precious little boy. Wylie's wish is for a miracle right now. Wylie's family respectfully requests not to receive any calls at this time. They really need some quality time together right now.
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