Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wylie's wish: Braves Practice & Game

Wylie went to batting practice on wednesday with his family. Thanks to his coaches and their families. The Allen's, Betsy Clayton and many others that are un-named. We know you love us and have made one of Wylie's wishes come true. Enjoy the pictures. We had a great times and stood beside the best of the best ball players. We all have the time of our life. Thank you.

13 radiation treatments down, 17 to go. MRI on wed to see progress. Still on natural diet made up of love, vitamins, sunshine. Thanks for all your support.

1 comment:

Riki Norton said...

nice pic sherri moore...i like it cause I got 2 spend it with the people I love...yes including the Braves lol but I'll never forget that day...that faithful day.
Riki :)