That's what the oncologist say's. We finished 30 treatments of raidation on October 26th. He had his first full week of school last week since last school year. He loves school and tries so hard to keep up unfortunately at his own physical loss. He has been told he needs to decrease his school day in half. The radiation continues to kick butt and causes swelling in the brain and fatigue. Wylie celebrated his big 10 this past week. W had approximately 40 people show for Wylie's Braves game vs the Marlins. We created his own team and celebrated in a very big way at the Ball park in Ellijay. We also were able to see the Georgia game in person on Saturday. Wylie loves most sports and had a great day. We continue to treat him naturally with Boswellia and digestive enzymes. Boswellia is really making an impact and I beleive helping to heal him. Everything I read about it is showing in trials to destoy tumors of all kinds. Wylie has been keeping busy with school and friends. Thank you to his teachers, other students and friends for being a part of his birthday and community events. the golf tournement and motorcycle fundraisers have made our life easier. The school also sold over 600 cupcakes to help our family. thank you so much for all your support. Not sure how we would do it without everyones help. Wylie has faith that his purpose will be served. God bless.
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