Saturday, August 28, 2010


Little Wylie continues to exhibit courage throughout this difficult time. This brave boy is contending with neck pain resulting from the biopsy procedure he had on Wednesday. When asked if he wants pain medication, Wylie says, "No, can you give me something to sleep so I can get better." He knows, even at this young age, that you heal when you rest and he is working hard at healing.

His little brother Seth held Wylie's hand tonight. Wylie could see that his little brother was somewhat apprehensive about the situation and Wylie tried to comfort him by squeezing his hand and telling him it was alright. Wylie's courage to comfort others continues to demonstrate his good character and sweet nature.

Looking forward to tomorrow with hope and the possibility of moving out of the ICU.


David Ross said...

Good morning, Wylie!

We're thinking of you today. Many people around the world are praying for and thinking about you.

Do you like to play baseball? Or is that a football helmet you're wearing in your photo?

Connie said...


I know pain medicine can be a pain, but remember it also allows your body to rest, not just sleep, and gives it a rest from the pain, which helps you heal. I didn't want to take pain meds when I had a surgery either, but a nurse friend said my body needed relief from fighting the pain because that effort used up my energy that could be used for healing. Feel better.

Anonymous said...

Lots of love to you and your whole family. Glad you got some rest that is key....and that you are moving around some.
Cool that so many all over have you in their have connected the world for healing peace how powerful...
Keep feeling better
Love always

Anonymous said...

I read your blog and just wanted to let you know that your one tough little man. You have a great family and many people love and care about you. People you may not even know...