The months have past this year and Christmas must be the hardest of all. It's a time of celebration reflection and family closeness that we fail to express as much throughout the year. I feel everyday should be a celebration that God has been so gracious to give us time together. Losing a child anytime is difficult, I know that well. I am thankful we were able to celebrate Christmas with Wylie one last time last year. He was very ill and could not walk and barely could speak a word. He couldn't even make a Santa list that year. But I knew it had to be the best one yet. He was grateful for his Christmas cards and gifts that were sent from near and far. He knew love in his life and couldn't understand why he had to go. He lost all ability to enjoy things he loved but still enjoyed watching others especially his brother. I remember Wylie when he was first diagnosed he wanted to make sure everyone had a special present from him. Wylie was always excited about Christmas. He was never disappointed as far as I know. His last Christmas Seth and I spend several hours in Santa's workshop (aka mom`s barn) making Wylie a special shelve so that he could reach all his toys and collections of the things he loved from his bed. His baseball cards, stuffed animals, and toys, fossils, hats, and photos which still sit there. He was so worried about getting a present for Seth, he wanted it to be special he would say. Wylie spent a lot of time thinking about others and worrying about them. Without my knowledge he asked one of my friends to select and engrave a heart necklace for me from him. With is picture inside. He had great passion and empathy for those that had little. He learned that others also had great love and passion for him that Christmas. The greatest gift was a visit form an Atlanta family from Australia. He cried when they introduced themselves. He always wanted to go. Well this summer Wylie traveled with them to become part of the Great Barrier Reef. Some of his ashes were carried to Australia. Just before Christmas the friends and teachers from his school came and sang him carols. He had several families that came to visit him for Christmas. We celebrated a second Christmas and New Years at Grandma's in Florida, which I knew he was too sick to go. However he knew what I didn`t that it would be his last and insisted on going to see his grandmother Aunt and Uncles. He slept most of the days and couldn't breath without a breathing machine forcing in air. He spent his New Years meeting Winter the dolphin with friends. He watched as he admired there ability to move with such grace and peace. After a day at home watching movies Wylie died at home in his bed 12 days later on January 13th. Wylie's life was celebrated in the most loving way with our community students, family and friends. He was lifted up by a community basketball tournament in feb to start the Wylie Wish Scholarship fund and Wylie's dream fund. Two scholarships were given in his name in May. He was remembered during the relay for life. A grade school garden was created , and a middle school tree planted in his honor in May. Our summer was filled with baseball and then football constantly on the run. How else could we have gotten through this year.
I really didn`t want to be at home for Christmas this year. However my son Seth insisted Santa would not come anywhere but there. I have to make it special for Seth because Wylie would not have had it any other way.
Love,Wylie's mom
"I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, but I will be gone for Christmas this year!" Love Wylie
Wylie Kiser was a fun-loving, 11 year old boy who lived with his Mom and little brother in Ellijay, GA. Wylie loved sports, reading, and adventure. On August 22, 2010 Wylie was diagnosed with a tumor on his brainstem. We would like to ask that everyone who reads this sends up a prayers for this precious little boy. Wylie's wish is for peace for his family and friends. He passed into heaven on January 13th.

Thursday, December 13, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Dreams from heaven
Wylie's little brother Seth age 7, today several hours after waking up, 2 weeks after Wylie's passing, said "Where is Wylie?" I said in shock, loss for words, in tears asked him "What do you mean?" He said "Where is he?" I said as gracefully as I knew, "Do you mean is he in heaven?" He said will conviction " no." I said "Honey Wylie died two weeks ago, you know that, he won't be with us any more." Then he told me " Wylie was in his bed last night, he called me over and asked me to help him. I saw his feet, and felt of them, he was a new born baby lying in his bed, smiling. Then said " well I just thought maybe he got up." Seth saw my reaction and asked me not to cry. Then said well maybe it was a dream, just to calm me down. Funny thing is I was awakened by Wylie calling my name out. What do you believe?
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Wylie will be forever in our hearts

Wylie lost his battle on Friday January 13th. He was my hero and of all who knew him. I loved him as much as a mother could love their child. He had lived his life big and loved the life he lived up uni;l close to the end. He loved his family and friends. He died at home in mom's arms with much comfort. His last day was a peaceful one at home watching movies. He grew tired and weak and said he was ready to pass. We thank everyone for your inspiration and support for our family and especially the love you have all shown Wylie. He loved his teachers and school friends. He wanted to be a an actor, a comic strip writer, a rock star, and a great father one day, and a neurosurgeon to help other children. He was and is my greatest hero and my best friend. God bless you my angel baby. Wylie I know you will rest in heaven with no more pain. It's OK. See you again one day my son. Forever will you be in my heart and soul. We will celebrate Wylie's life on Saturday January 21st.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Haelan 951 is cleansing and healing Wylie's body
We started the Haelen 951(healing)alternative treatment on December 23rd. The soy product seemed from the very start to be cleaning the Toxins out. It seems to make him very tired like he did after his radiation treatments. I believe his brain is beginning to heal. Brain tumor cell death is what we are aiming for so it may make things worse before they get better. I pray his body can handle the jolt and wake up call. If you wish to learn move about how Isoflavoids and phytochemicals work they are the key ingredients. I can not say it has been easy. He hurts and feels sick every day with treatment. He is breathing easier and his blood pressure is going down. It went form 156/110 to 147/97 in one week on his last clinic visit. Thank you everyone that helped with prayers and donations to order the first case of this product. His next MRI is at the end of February. I am excited about the potential for Wylie to heal. He has been through so much these past 14 months. He is tired and the fighting but a reminder or God's grace and love of everyone keeps his going. I load Wylie up with great nutrients every day. He only eats by feeding tube so his diet is very restricted. He currently can not swallow foods or liquids, but seems to be swallowing his own saliva better now. He can not walk and can hardly stand with help. He can only whisper a very slurred speech which gets worse as the day goes on. I believe it is because his body reserves the energy to heal much like a brain trauma patient would. He takes vitamins and herbs like tumeric, flaxseed oil, sea essentials, cell food, astralagus, omega 3, water, and lots and lots of love of course. The body heals above down inside out. He sees an array of alternative specialists on a weekly basis. We were blessed with the use of a friends car for our trip to see Grandma, Aunt, uncle, and friends over the holidays. We were exhausted. Our focus is to make it to my work and school for brother Seth everyday. God bless everyone for making our Christmas one the boys will remember. Seth is still thanking me for the presents he recieved. Wylie cried while opening his presents. Me too. This was a very hard holiday to make it through. We wish everyone a Happy New Year. Thank you everyone for your support and prayers.
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