Wylie is holding strong, the heat is not his friend. After another ER trip for dehydration. Our latest treatment seems to be dong well to maintain the symptoms from the brain tumors. He has over come the vertigo he was having for the most part. We have increased the steroids a few weeks ago and he is feeling better. He has now developed a complication with the lungs. They are collecting fluid and collapsing some of the in the lower regions of the lungs. We are sure a complication of the steroids and decreased activity. Wylie has not regained his strength in his arm and hand as we have before when the steroids have been increased. We are hoping for physical therapy to help, which we will begin next week. We currently are having to travel to his appointments an hour 1/2 away weekly to Emory. We are very excited about his appointment next with an opthalmologist that specializes in BrainStem tumor related visual problems. We want to see if his left eye that turns in can be corrected with surgery. His eye sight is changing and he is having difficulty seeing to read and blurred at distance. We will have another MRI in August to determine if there are any new changes. We are preparing for re-entry to school for Wylie. The
5th grade. So let the middle school years begin. He is nervous already. He is a great student and will try to go full time in August. We have been working on getting Wylie a wheelchair and a foot support for his foot drop, politics and crazy insurance take forever to get approved. please help us pray they will be available to him soon. Wylie can not walk long distances. Car to the door is about it. SO much atrophy in his right leg, knee pain and back pain makes walking across the parking lot a big deal. We have attempted swimming a few times this summer. Balance and control is really tough in the water for him. This summer we were able to take one trip to visit friends,grandma pat,Aunt Jenny and Uncle Duncan over the July 4th holiday in south Florida. The heat is just too much for him. Steroids make you swell even worse in the heat. We are trying very hard to find peace with all the changes in our lives and surround ourselves with loving friends and family when we are able. God heals. Wylie prays for a day without pain. CHiropractic, therapy and Meds help. Thank you for all your support. Things are very challegning for us right now.